Response I love the fact that people are trying to make life more eco-friendly. People are using less energy and resources to be safer on the environment. People are building "green" buildings and environmentally safe surroundings. I love the fact that people are becoming more aware of how we need to protect the environment to maintain a bright future.

After reading this article, I was so glad to see how even the movie industry are valuing the environment while creating movies. The fact that they were reusing some of the sets from the previous films was awesome. The last film 'Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End' was released in 2007 and for them to maintain sets from four years ago is genius. There was also plenty of outdoor shots in the film, shot in Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and London, to show a more natural environment. It was beautiful to look at as well. Well don't want to say too many details, because the movie is released tomorrow and I saw an advanced screening yesterday. Hope you all try to see all the beauty as well as the adventure within it and I don't mean just stare at Mr. Johnny Depp the whole time. :-)
I cant wait to see this movie!!! And you're right, it was so genius for them to save the sets from that long ago