Response First people began to lose the love for paper back items such newspapers and books, to the almighty desktop PC. Now they are saying that the love for the desktop PC is dying out slowly. There was a time when people were buying PCs left and right. Most of my teachers were mad because people would rather look up a summary of a book instead of actually reading one. There was a time when there was a PC in each person's room in my house, but if they are there they are not being used. When I went to college, some of my friends even brought their PC to school. Their big bulky desktop computer taking up the desk. Those were the memories.
I do think with the increasing use of tablets such as the Apple iPad and readers, like the Sony E-Reader, Pc sales are sliding. People feel it is much easier to have because you don't have to take up space and set up wires. They are lighter and hold just as much information as desktop PCs. Laptops are more popular now to travel with your work on the road as well. People are looking for more convenience. But as far as the desktop PC dying completely off, still don't think that will be possible. Plenty of offices still use them and at a desk, they are more comfortable to type on. What do you guys think? Do you still own a desktop PC?
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